It’s no secret that I’m a luxury handbag fiend! I love a good designer handbag – I think it stemmed from being younger and seeing women holding them and just wanting one (despite the fact that I didn’t realise they were even designer bags at the time). As lovely as a luxury bag is, sometimes it’s either not attainable or you may just not want one and in times like that, there are a vast amount of premium handbag alternatives. Let me whittle some personal favourites down for you!

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A brand that I’ll always be a fan of and have purchased from since I was 13! I’m a huge advocate for their Le Plague range – to some it may just look like a pricey amount for a canvas/nylon bag, but it’s so much more! There is such quality and longevity in these bags in addition to being timeless pieces that go with everything. The variety from the sizes, finishes and colours make them a great alternative to a luxury bag. A classic well-put together bag that won’t date is exactly what you get with this particular collection. The Le Pliage range starts from around £50 upto £200, however LongChamp also have bags of higher price points off over £500 too if you’re looking to splurge a bit more!
Furla is a brand that I’ve recently delved into and was not only pleasantly surprised with the price point, but also the quality. My auntie (who’s also into luxury) has been telling me to look into Furla bags for years now, however not all their materials (i.e. finishes off the bags) fit the bill for me personally – the Saffiano esque leather isn’t my material/finish of choice. A few months ago I picked up this raffia/woven top handle bag that I thought would be great for summer. As mentioned, the quality is grand and unlike some other bags that I own, I don’t feel like I need to be delicate and baby the bag to keep it in great condition! Again, when it comes to the price point and versatility, this is a great brand to check out as there’s pretty much something for everyone from style, colour and size, irrespective of it being a classic brand with their cult pieces.
Coach is a lovely British heritage brand which honestly reminds me a bit of Burberry (hopefully this isn’t fashion blasphemy) but at a more attainable price point. I’ve yet to purchase something from the brand myself, though I’ve previously had a little gander at some of their offerings, in particular, their notorious Tabby bags. That being said, their pieces are classic and withstand the test of time, which is a shame as I definitely get the feeling it’s a brand that often gets overlooked.
What are your luxury handbag alternatives?